戲劇 - 美國

Works: 10 works in 10 publications in 10 languages
瑣事 by: (Language materials, printed)
羅馬假期 = Roman holiday by: (Language materials, printed)
魂斷藍橋 = Waterloo bridge by: (Language materials, printed)
雙城記 = A tale of two cities by: (Language materials, printed)
七對佳偶 = Seven brides for seven brothers by: (Language materials, printed)
湯姆歷險記 = The adventures of Tom Sawyer by: (Language materials, printed)
慾望街車 = A streetcar named desire by: (Language materials, printed)
推銷員之死 = Death of a salesman by: (Language materials, printed)
翠堤春曉 = The great waltz by: (Language materials, printed)
安妮的日記 = The diary of Anne Frank by: (Language materials, printed)