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Works: 1 works in 18 publications in 1 languages
和風創意甜點 by: 旭屋出版; 許倩佩 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
日本話題店的創作料理(超嚴選) : 以創新的魅力, 匯聚超高人氣的美味料理 by: 旭屋出版; 郭心華 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
咖啡與烘焙機 = Coffee and roaster : 人氣咖啡與自家烘焙經營學 by: 旭屋出版; 許碧珊 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
私房烘焙麵包 : 日本超人氣麵包店 by: 旭屋出版; 謝怡苓 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
名師親自指導超人氣甜點 by: 旭屋出版; 林芳兒 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
義大利料理 : 新式醬汁總匯 by: 旭屋出版; 根岸亮輔; 洪嘉穗; 菅原史子 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
日本人氣餐飲店 = Dessert menu book : 創作甜點菜單 by: 旭屋出版; 許倩珮 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
日本咖啡名店優質烘焙技術 = Reference book for the coffee roasting by: 旭屋出版; 薛智恆 (Language materials, printed) , [編著]
咖啡吧台師傅頂級技術 = Technique of top baristas by: 旭屋出版; 許碧珊 (Language materials, printed) , [編]
日本咖啡店最新創意甜點 : 視覺+味覺的高級饗宴111種魅力滿分的創作與技術 by: 旭屋出版; 服部美紀; 詹吟英 (Language materials, printed) , [著]
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